Thursday, May 2, 2013

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

'House Sparrow' - Passer domesticus indicus, Karandana, Avissawella, Sri Lanka.

These birds were numerous a few decades ago in the vicinity of houses in Sri Lanka. They disappeared in large numbers a few years back. Now they are makiing a come-back.

'Purple-rumped Sunbird' - Nectarinia zeylanica, Avissawella, Sri Lanka.

'Cattle Egret' - Bubulcus ibis, Amithirigala, Sri Lanka.

The bird, its shadow, and its reflection in the still water,  are seen clearly in this photo.

I took these photos close to Amithirigala junction, on the road to Hiswella - Nittambuwa, Sri Lanka. These birds are seen  around free roaming cattle and in paddy fields.