Thursday, April 11, 2013

White-throated Kingfisher - Halcyon smyrnensis, Avissawella, Sri Lanka.

I saw this bird guarding it's nest built into a cavity in a stone wall. It would chase away any predators with its loud cry. I have seen the parents darting and pecking a large iguanascreaming all the while. The iguana which had a taste for birds eggs beat a hasty retreat in the face of the attack.

Common Tailorbird - Orthotomus sutorius, Avissawella, Sri Lanka.

Oriental Magpie Robin - Copsychus saularis, Avissawella, Sri Lanka.

A very commonly sighted bird in these parts. It sings beautifully in the early morning.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Brown-headed Barbet - Megalaima zeylanica, Avissawella, Sri Lanka.

The loudest bird in the garden. Makes its loud cry from a tree close by. When it descends to eat the fruits offered it is very silent. It is off in a jiffy if it catches sight of a human closeby.