Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Changeable Hawk Eagle - Spizactus sirrhatus, Vakari, Batticaloa, Sri Lanka.

This bird was feeding on some chicks on a bird's nest, by the roadside. It flew up and took refuge on a Palmyra tree, on the approach of our car. I took these shots with the camera hand-held, using a 70-300 Nikkor zoom lens with VR on on my Nikon D90.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Nests of the Baya Weaver - Ploceus philippinus, Seruwavila, Sri Lanka.

On a tall tree in a windy plain, by the side of a small stream this was an ideal site for these nests. This was by the side of a mud track on the approaches to the Serwavila Buddhist shrine.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Yellow-billed Babbler - Turdoides affinis taprobanus, Home garden, Avissawella, Sri Lanka.

The noisiest bird in the garden. They come in groups and are commonly called 'Seven sisters'. They and the garden squirrels forage together. Presence of a predator like a cat or rat-snake raises an alarm from both parties. Sometimes an infighting occurs among two babblers. It resembles a school boy fight. Shrill warnings and advice are given by the other babblers in the group and all is mayhem for the moment. It subsides in a few minutes and peace and tranquility returns.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Layard's Parakeet - Psittacula calthorpe, Vakarai, Batticalkoa, Sri Lanka.

Antics of Parakeets.
Taking off from a branch of a Margosa - Neem  tree.
Being a look-out.
Landing or playing 'hide and seek'?